Simple Pleasures

I love how things just work out. I make wishes on dandelions, and they come true. I pray to a God I cannot touch, and He answered. Today I visited one of my favorite parks and had a great, effectual conversation with one of my favorite people.

Joy is there. Don’t miss it.

Also, I received something exciting in the mail that made me leap! In the midst of tragedy, I am intentionally finding joy. To God be the Glory!

My mom loves to cook. Although there are only 3 of us in the house, she cooks enough to feed seven. It’s a mixed blessing. Left overs can come in handy.

This evening, we made jambalaya, and I paired it with left over mustard greens. It hit every spot. Oh, and I sipped a glass of Sweet Red as I chowed down.

Accompanied by Netflix and some ice water, I must admit, it’s a nice close to an amazing day. God is truly faithful.

I am Eryka

Crown Me

I Won the moment I stepped into battle

Show me my opponent; I’ll leave them all rattled

Not because of my might or how hard I fight

But all because Jesus already made it all alright

⁃ #ErykaIAM

Victory isn’t about achieving. It’s not about attaining. Victory isn’t about defeating the demon or beating the illness as it is about serving God. It’s not a matter of I serve God because He healed me. No – sickness is warfare. Defeating sickness was a step in the obstacle course, but the true victory is 1. loving your neigh as yourself while you are at war 2. Giving God your true worship, time & adoration.

Could it be that Victory only comes when we begin serving God in season and out? What He does for us is bonus. It’s not apart of warfare. That’s why He blesses us when we DONT deserve it. He doesn’t bless as often during battle because He knows we would take the blessing as some form of accolades.

“You did good so here’s a blessing.”

Nope. That’s not how this works. God blesses at will; His will. He doesn’t give us precisely what we ask for because majority of the time we’re asking for the wrong things. The things themselves may not be wrong, but they may be wrong for His purpose for you/I. That said, God gives good gifts freely to those He loves. Love has never required perfection. Funny Fact: There are prerequisites to coming to The Father & entering into the Spiritual Kingdom of God. They are to confess with your mouth & believe in your heart that Jesus Christ is Lord. That’s Faith. On the contrary, there are prerequisites for receiving God’s love. God loves the sinner, the broken, the lain, The incarcerated & the unbeliever. He loves us all because it’s who he is. We can’t, don’t and won’t ever deserve it.

So even Victory is a gift given to us, not because we fought so well, or because we showed up every time we said we would, and definitely not because of the “church work” we involve ourselves in, but simply because we serve the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. We honor Him. We reverence Him. We obey. We listen. We receive. We give. All to Him.

After all, it is He who deserves it.

I am Eryka

The Power in Being Intentional

Intentional People get things done; even folks with bad intentions achieve much. It’s because they have a strategy based on a vision and they’re determined to do it just that way. Why can us children of God be that way? We start off strong and slowly taper off. It’s because we’ve lost sight of the vision. We seem to have misplaced our why.

If you don’t know why, you can never tap into the power of how.

What are you building?
Where is this going?

A Queen has responsibilities. She has territory. She has influence. She has duty. What she doesn’t have is time to waste.

A King is the leader. All eyes are on Him. He’s expected to fail. He’s everybody’s everything. What he isn’t, is idle.

Intentionality governs our time. When we know what we’re doing & why we’re going it, our schedule automatically flows. Case in point, I am using my voice and my gifts to spread knowledge. Why? Because families all over the world deserve a chance to love and live better. How I do that is in my daily actions. It’s not about how often I post or record. It’s not even about how many people I directly touch. It’s about my reverence of God. The time I choose to give to prayer. The energy I offer to reading the word and waiting on a response. It begins within the soul.

What’s in the soul comes out.

If I am not intentional, I may accidentally give out things that don’t match my destiny. The entire purpose of God giving us dreams and visions is to breed INTENTIONALITY. He knew that if we had an end goal in mind, we would follow the path that got us there.

Spoiler Alert: Jesus is the path that gets us there. Whether the vision includes healing, marriage, prosperity, or family, Jesus is the only way to reach it.

Now – you are welcome to plan your own plans and make your own moves. Who am I to stop you? Even God said He gives free will, but will not act for us. Are you willing to be intentional?

1. Tell the truth. Who are you, really? What are you doing, really? Is it really for God? Or for man? Clarify that. Only what we do for God shall last.
2. Make your yes mean yes & your no mean no. Either you are, or you aren’t. Either you will, or you won’t. Just as the average human doesn’t like lukewarm food, GOD hates a Lukewarm believer. In, or out.
3. Show Up, anyway. Show up in any way hi have to. The power isn’t in how you look or how you do it. The power is in your will to show up carrying the spirit of the one who can do it.
In relationships, we waste time because we don’t know why we’re there to begin with. We end up in miserable long term situations that harm us beyond imagination all because we weren’t intentional. As you intentionally love yourself, your decisions will follow.

Misery is built on good intentions that weren’t followed through.

In conclusion, be intentional or be miserable.

I am Eryka

“The Other Shoe”

There’s an old saying that goes, “…waiting for the other shoe to fall.” This saying suits a situation where one believes something is too good to be true, or when disaster or tragedy is simply expected. The anticipation of catastrophe is reckless. I know. I am on the brink of losing my marbles as I type this.

Dear other shoe, I’m ready when you are.

On February 23rd, my uncle, and my dad’s last living brother, was shot in front of his home. He passed away 6 days later. On February 26th, one of my mom’s younger brothers suddenly passed away from a double heart attack. All of this happened to me in the midst of all the other big and small issues I already had. BY THE GRACE OF GOD, I AM STILL STANDING. But it’s not easy. It has not been easy. I have shed tears. I have baked cookies. I have made visits and phone calls. I have been angry. I have been anxious. I have been silent. I have had moments of peace and acceptance. I have even had moments of utter numbness, that honestly freaked me the heck out!

I feel everything, all the time, so when I found myself feeling nothing, I thought for sure I had lost it.

Then it hits me… The other shoe hasn’t fallen yet. The services haven’t been held yet. I haven’t seen the bodies or the flowers or heard the chords of the organ. As of now, it has all just been news; conversation. Today, relatives began coming into town. Tomorrow there’s a wake for one uncle, and on Friday I am actually doing a tribute during the service. I can’t help but laugh. In the midst of pain, grief, and what seems like loss, God chooses to use me. It’s funny to me because I’m the woman who has full on tantrums regularly. I’m the woman who has walked around with bitterness and anger toward God because I was foolish enough to think I knew better than He. I am the same woman who has a love affair with certain bad habits that even Judas would probably turn his head from. I am the same sinful, emotionally scattered young woman who has been battered, scared, broken, abandoned, emptied, and lost.

And just like He has so many times before, Jesus found me. Again.

He reached into my despair and gave me something to hope for. He pulled me out of shame and showered me with things to celebrate. He chooses to wake me up and allows me to love on his children even when I would rather be doing anything but. He shows me grace. He forgives me. He cherishes me and holds me close to his heart. In the midst of me being me, my Heavenly father loves me recklessly.

His love is overwhelming. His love is the peace that covers me like a blanket when grief sends chills through my soul. His love is the strength that makes my hands write words that my mouth then speaks in front of crowds. His love is the breath that escapes my lungs and keeps me alive when my emotions begin to suffocate me. The Love of God is every inch of everything I am and ever will be.

Good. Bad. Broken. I am His. I belong to God. The other shoe may or may not fall. Heck, the other shoe may not even exist. What I know for sure is that God’s ways are simply not like mine. He doesn’t think as I do. He doesn’t move as I do. He’s much wiser and far more capable. I trust him. He called me to speak, and I will show up. It’s on Him to use my voice to communicate to His people. The best part of all is that I can show up even if I have to show up weak, or sad… or teary eyed.

For it is not my strength that I rely on.

To God be the Glory!

I am Eryka


They say we ‘crawl before we walk,’ but it’s when we learn to walk that we also experience falling. What happens when a great fall turns walking into leaning, specifically on a crutch? The thought intrigued me. If it is true that once must crawl before they walk, when we fall, it makes most sense to go back to the origin of crawling.

Crawling looks different for all of us. For some, crawling may be living independently after divorce. For others, crawling is the adventure of starting a business after years of being an employee. Crawling isn’t necessarily physical. It’s Mental and also Spiritual. Our minds are constantly hit with battles and fights that we aren’t always prepared to fight. Things happen and our minds are often the parts of us left with the most scars.

The war is over!!! You’re no longer on the battlefield, but I can’t believe that for you.

Recently I had to face myself. I had to remind myself that the battle is over. I got so accustomed to fighting and looking for enemies that I didn’t notice when the victory flag was actually waved. In life we can be so blinded by trauma that we miss the moment for therapeutic rehabilitation. Our minds are attacked by memories of what was, but our Spirits are aware of what is.

Just as crawling requires two legs, victory requires both the mind and the spirit to be on one accord.

Knowing the thing to do isn’t good enough. Once you learn to walk, no one has to tell you how. It’s the injury that leads to the need for the crutch and the crutch becomes so essential to us that we forget we knew how to walk without it. Yes, you’re hurt. You’ll probably hurt for the rest of your life for one reason or another. Pain is a vital sign. Pain means you’re living. Life means You Won.

The crutch only works as long as you employ it!

So, throw down the crutch, go back to the basics & crawl until you walk!

Your mind, your spirit & your body will Thank You. Most of all, Destiny appreciates You.

I am Eryka

Christmas & The Cross

The story of Jesus starts way back in the beginning of creation. God created the Heavens and Earth. He then formed the Earth to be able to sustain life and bring forth fruit. He spoke into existence oxygen for breath, weather and seasons, and even your & my personality. God did all of this way back before there was an Adam or Eve. God is infinitely complete. There’s no end in Him & our mind can’t go back far enough to trace His beginning.

We also know Satan. We know Him as the enemy of God. We know Him as an angel of death. We know Him as the Fallen One. We know Him! Yes I stranger to the average household, especially around holidays such as this. Satan likes to steal the attention from Grace & Love by suggesting we buy more, eat more, show up earlier and stay out later. He comes and steals the joy of enjoying life by tempting us to compare, compete, and critique what the next guy is doing. Because you have stopped by my blog, today you have officially been reminded that Satan does not have any rights to your day, mind, month or year.

This year I have danced with a plethora of emotions. I have known intense disappointment, flirted with a fierce joy, and sipped from the cup of contentment – and that’s just today. I have had to intentionally speak life to myself and my circumstance. I have had to swallow some tears and let some decorate my cheeks. I have been hugged by my own grief, yet I still expect to see God today.

My emotions can not reduce the immense power that is extended to me by my faith in Jesus. As long as I believe, I have hope. As long as I believe, there’s another chance. As long as I believe, I can be joyful. As long as I believe, God can show up and show out. He’s never late. He never forgets.

Most recently, two individuals that I’ve known on my spiritual journey got engaged to each other. I met them in separate environments and haven’t had contact with either in some time, but that didn’t stop God from working behind he scenes. God answered their prayers and I got to witness. I’ve seen the wait be rewarded. I’ve seen hope restored. I’ve seen old dreams become new again. Today, I choose to believe & I invite you to do the same.

Merry Christmas from !


Well, I’m still here. My site may no longer be a .com, but it is still MINE. I am still ALIVE. I am still WELL. To God be the Glory!

I don’t think God expects me to be extremely happy and excited every second of every day. My biggest fear these days is failing to be grateful. I am grateful. Emotional at times & often blinded by that emotion, but I am still grateful.

God didn’t instruct me to be perfect. He simply says, Be STILL.

I am still WRITING. I am still SPEAKING. I am still BELIEVING & trying to BELIEVE. I am still HERE. And…

I am (still) Eryka


& higher…

I want to live high! Make no mistake – I am not speaking of intoxication or mental delusion. I mean, I want to live above. I want to rise above and remain above where I am now – not that anything is wrong here, but I am in the spirit for some elevation. It’s not enough to learn better and do better. No, I’m ready to see better.

I am going to live above criticism, because who cares what they think?

I am going to live above my faults, because I’m so much more than my mistakes.

I am going to live above brokenness, because By His Stripes I have been healed.

Circumstance will no longer determine my altitude. I have chosen to go higher and by the Grace of God, I will remain up there. My aspiration isn’t to have loads of cash or be known around the world. I simply want to live above the ashes God has delivered me from.

When God elevates you, don’t forget to look down!

Culture is so quick to tell us not to look down or back at where we came from, but I believe in the contrary. I am rising up just so I can look down. I am going higher so that I am able to be effective in the lower territories. Elevation is my entrance into the Lower realms. Going higher gives me access to even more influence. When I am high, I see better. When I am high, I think clearer. When I am high, I am closer to God’s divinity and farther from Earth’s limits.

Again – it is not about drugs or escapism. This is about the ability to rise. Fear tells us that rising is arrogant. Doubt tells us that being high will change us for the worse. The truth is, somebody has to go up in order for everyone else to follow. Why not be the first to volunteer?

I digress.

Happy Tuesday, folks!

I am Eryka


God has designed life to regenerate through seed time & harvest. For example, Daddy put a seed in Mommy that grew into me. He wanted a child, so He planted accordingly. He didn’t stuff her with pumpkin seeds or surround her with soil. The fertilizer he used was his God-given. The seed he touched was also God-given. Moral of the story?

Plant seeds that match the Harvest you expect.

An orange tree will never grow an apple and lemon seeds promise refreshing lemonade, not grape juice. It is all set up on purpose by our Intentional Father in Heaven! He makes the cuts. He decides the variables. He determines the differences. He does it with babies and animal offspring and even with plants.

God is the ultimate gardener. He’s an all-in-one source for our seed, feed & pruning needs.

It is Harvest Time. Not because of the time of year or the season we’re in, but because The Lord in Heaven says so! In prayer recently, God assured me that it is indeed time to receive the fruit of the harvest. This made me wonder what types of fruit I should expect. I had to ask myself, “What have you planted?” To God be the Glory! Looking out at my spiritual garden, I see seeds of Patience, Consideration, Forgiveness, Selflessness, Joy, Gratitude, Service, Love, Humility, Correction & even Mercy! In the midst of all my imperfection, God has managed to give me good seed to plant over the years.

The heart of the planter and the power of the ‘Son’ can produce greatness out of anything. The size of the seed doesn’t matter.

As I approach the harvest, I can’t help but get excited. The nights I offered my seeds of friendship are blooming into great relationships. The many times I forgave those who hurt me returns to me in the form of grace and mercy. Every seed I have stuffed into the Earth will grow fruit, even the not so sweet ones. Where I have been cruel or unfriendly, karma brings the fruit back to me. It’s the law of seed time & harvest.

Planting is annual. Seeds may be planted everyday, all day, but the Harvest only comes in due season. Different seeds produce in different seasons. The absence of fruit in one area doesn’t cancel the harvest in another. God is thorough. He wishes to grow our gardens, but we first must plant properly. So I ask you, what is in your garden? Who have you allowed to scatter seeds in your field, and what type of harvest will they yield?

I digress.

I am Eryka