The Power in Being Intentional

Intentional People get things done; even folks with bad intentions achieve much. It’s because they have a strategy based on a vision and they’re determined to do it just that way. Why can us children of God be that way? We start off strong and slowly taper off. It’s because we’ve lost sight of the vision. We seem to have misplaced our why.

If you don’t know why, you can never tap into the power of how.

What are you building?
Where is this going?

A Queen has responsibilities. She has territory. She has influence. She has duty. What she doesn’t have is time to waste.

A King is the leader. All eyes are on Him. He’s expected to fail. He’s everybody’s everything. What he isn’t, is idle.

Intentionality governs our time. When we know what we’re doing & why we’re going it, our schedule automatically flows. Case in point, I am using my voice and my gifts to spread knowledge. Why? Because families all over the world deserve a chance to love and live better. How I do that is in my daily actions. It’s not about how often I post or record. It’s not even about how many people I directly touch. It’s about my reverence of God. The time I choose to give to prayer. The energy I offer to reading the word and waiting on a response. It begins within the soul.

What’s in the soul comes out.

If I am not intentional, I may accidentally give out things that don’t match my destiny. The entire purpose of God giving us dreams and visions is to breed INTENTIONALITY. He knew that if we had an end goal in mind, we would follow the path that got us there.

Spoiler Alert: Jesus is the path that gets us there. Whether the vision includes healing, marriage, prosperity, or family, Jesus is the only way to reach it.

Now – you are welcome to plan your own plans and make your own moves. Who am I to stop you? Even God said He gives free will, but will not act for us. Are you willing to be intentional?

1. Tell the truth. Who are you, really? What are you doing, really? Is it really for God? Or for man? Clarify that. Only what we do for God shall last.
2. Make your yes mean yes & your no mean no. Either you are, or you aren’t. Either you will, or you won’t. Just as the average human doesn’t like lukewarm food, GOD hates a Lukewarm believer. In, or out.
3. Show Up, anyway. Show up in any way hi have to. The power isn’t in how you look or how you do it. The power is in your will to show up carrying the spirit of the one who can do it.
In relationships, we waste time because we don’t know why we’re there to begin with. We end up in miserable long term situations that harm us beyond imagination all because we weren’t intentional. As you intentionally love yourself, your decisions will follow.

Misery is built on good intentions that weren’t followed through.

In conclusion, be intentional or be miserable.

I am Eryka

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