
Well, I’m still here. My site may no longer be a .com, but it is still MINE. I am still ALIVE. I am still WELL. To God be the Glory!

I don’t think God expects me to be extremely happy and excited every second of every day. My biggest fear these days is failing to be grateful. I am grateful. Emotional at times & often blinded by that emotion, but I am still grateful.

God didn’t instruct me to be perfect. He simply says, Be STILL.

I am still WRITING. I am still SPEAKING. I am still BELIEVING & trying to BELIEVE. I am still HERE. And…

I am (still) Eryka

Honestly, not

“They” say “honesty is the best policy.” I agree, but tell me, what good is honesty without communication? I’ve noticed that humans intend to say or do things, and often times they simply fail to follow through. It can be argued that good intentions matter also because it’s the thought that counts, right? Eh, I beg to differ. Thoughts can’t do much for a person.

Don’t get me wrong; I know that thoughts help shape our life, but without action a thought is like a breeze that travels through the brain. Communication is an action. For whatever reason, humans have stopped communicating properly. Everybody is doing stuff, but where’s the integrity? Where’s the true connection? So many relationships fall apart due to lack luster communication.

Without communication, honesty is empty.

The most honest thing one can do to another is speak Love and truth and act it out toward them. Honesty isn’t simply failing to lie. It is choosing to show up the same way each and every time. The absence of communication invites assumptions, hurt feelings and in too many cases, broken hearts.

Many words are being spoken, but are you really saying anything?

My friends and I communicate. We share thoughts and ideas through speech and even song. We bounce things off one another. Over time, the exchange of communication has taught us to know one another. We can often read each other’s moods and emotions through communication, or the lack thereof. I see people hang out in groups and never really discuss anything. They share meals, take trips and even have children, but fail to communicate properly. We’ve become so accustomed to seeking to meet personal needs within other people and as a result I don’t believe we know exactly who it’s is we face each day.

Consider this: Man & Woman are married 40 years. They’ve raised 3 children, purchased 4 homes, and taken over 25 vacations together. They retire and suddenly face each other. The kids are grown. The job has ended. All that’s left is one man and one woman who look at each other and realize that apart from their routines, they have no idea who the other is or what they need.

Believe it or not, many couples divorce after decades of divorce for reasons such as this and site, irreconcilable differences. The harsh truth is that the man and woman were probably so busy getting married, having a career and starting a family that they missed the part where they stop and talk.

Planning is not the only form of communication a relationship needs.

Yes, we have to be responsible and steward our homes well, but this is no excuse to live years without speaking to our loved ones, and I mean really speaking to them. Let’s go beyond the surface of “How are you?” & “Call me if you need me.” Let’s take the time to sit with each other and ask questions. Let’s not be afraid of attitudes and responses and dare to get to know one another.

I bet if every married couple on earth had properly communicated in the beginning of their relationship, they wouldn’t have gotten married. I’m not hating; I’m simply stating facts. This applies to all types of relationships actually. Some of us connect to ideas. We connect to things that look good or bring certain benefits. We join clubs and embark on careers because they’re acclaimed by the culture, but shouldn’t life be more?

If you’re reading this, this is your challenge:

– Get to know yourself. Use a journal or simply sit in silence, listen to & talk to yourself. Sure ‘people’ may call you crazy, but people don’t have to live with you, you do.

– Get to know the people in your immediately family. Beyond surface details and random facts, what do you really know about them? Who are they? What makes them tick?

– Make an effort to speak up and live out the true contents of your heart. Meaning well is fine and all, but doing well is even better. A thought never saved anybody. It was the actions of God that showed His love.

I digress.

We’re gonna make it, after all!

I am Eryka

Birthdays & such…

Tomorrow is my birthday. *insert confetti*

This year is a bit special. It’s my Golden Birthday! I am turning 30, on the 30th & it’s a Thursday. (Thursday reminds me of the word Thirty, lol. Thursday is also my favorite day of the week – idk why!)

Emotions are running high. I’m always overthinking so that shouldn’t surprise anyone. I’m always experiencing one emotion or another, so this too is no surprise. What is surprising is my total lack of enthusiasm about everything these days. I wasn’t too excited for my 29th birthday last year and this year it’s worse. I want to be excited. I want to celebrate. I want to be cheerful and grateful and all those other wonderful birthday feelings But I just don’t feel it.

I feel like sleeping until 2020. I feel like turning from my morals and wilding out in the worst way. I feeeeeeel like my life is passing me by and I’m not very motivated to chase it or catch up.

So… I am choosing to function higher than I feel.

This year my gift to myself is to be honest with myself about how I feel, feel the feelings & face the root of them so they can be handled once and for all. This year, even though I don’t feel it, I choose to be my own care taker. There may not be extravagance or birthday cake, but there will be me. I promise to show up for my birthday. I will smile. I will love. I will try. I will believe. I will hope. I will dance. I will hug. I will eat. God has given me a very special gift and that gift is myself.

Now that I have me again, I’m going to tend to her. I don’t care that she’s broken and emotional. I don’t mind her fits and crazy habits. I’m okay with her quirks and questions. Depression can’t have my self awareness. Anxiety won’t stop me from pumping myself up with compliments and affirmations. Rejection doesn’t change the fact that I desire me, I am attracted to me, and I find me utterly irresistible. Heartbreak cannot have my ability to believe in love.

It’s my Birthday!!! I am living by grace, but alive by choice!

I am Eryka

Not Her


I know this is not news to you. You are fully aware that, I Am Eryka. I am speaking to myself this time. I was not created to be Her, whoever she may be. I can only be one ‘her’ and that ‘her’ is Eryka.

Role Models are thread of childhood, in my personal opinion. What I mean is this: children are constantly looking to older people for direction and examples. A female child looks to the women around her to know how ladies are to act. If those females around her are built a certain way, chances are, that young lady will grow up and mimic a lot of what she learned from those other women. While I have been influenced and even inspired by many women in my lifetime, I had to remind myself just now that I am not them.

My legs are not her legs, therefore I do not walk as she does. My hands are attached to my arms, therefore they may not do what her hands do. I am okay with being Eryka. The issue comes when Eryka tries to immolate the actions or steps another has taken to reach a certain goal. Sure, my goals may be similar to hers, but still, I am not HER.

So what is one to do with such a revelation? It’s easy: GIVE UP THE GHOST! I officially resign from every position I have allowed myself to take as a result of my attempts to be her. She is busy living her life, doing what only she can, and I am missing out on pure, valuable, Eryka-ness when I put myself in her place.

She may have got what she needed from University. She may have married a man with all the right connections. She may even lose weight faster than I do, and her hair may grow at a speed that mine won’t ever match. And that’s OKAY! See, here’s the secret: God never asked me to be her. He never even asked me to be like her. He simply says to me each day, “Live on Purpose.”  My purpose is the greatest task and identity that I will ever find. I do not have time to waste being someone else. I recently blogged about unbecoming everything I became in my pursuit of self. It takes too much energy to unlearn old ways and undo old habits. I cannot put myself in her shoes, because I do not have her feet.

She may be quiet and easier to approach. She may not think as ferociously as I, and she surely doesn’t smile as bright as I do. Her words don’t flow from her fingertips quite the way mine do. Her voice doesn’t hit the notes that effortlessly escape through my lips. She could never, will never, and can never be me. Therefore, I must be me!

I’m bold. I know what I want. I speak to what I want. I Love fiercely. I give without thinking. I forgive intentionally. I design with passion. I am focused and dedicated to my craft. I do what I do and I get the results only I can attain. She does what she does and she gets what’s hers.

I think I like it that way. Cheers to being you!


the SOAPBOX Ep 04

It is no secret on this blog that I am a single woman who was once married. The process of unbecoming a married woman and learning to embrace singleness has been a journey worth documenting. That is the purpose of my blog and Podcast. Join me as I tackle the things that hold us back in life. The past has a way of reaching out to us because obviously we’re great and it wants back in, but it’s time to cut ties, for good.

I have cut ties with several things and people the past six years. It’s been bigger than the marriage, and greater than the desire to love another. Life is bigger than desires and relationships, so don’t be deceived. Your ending is not THE END. The relationship/situation/job/season had to end in order for you to progress into your DESTINY!

Listen on BuzzSprout: The Death of Divorce

Forward March!

I am Eryka 

Protect Your Pearls: Purpose

It is safe to say that Identity, all by itself is a jewel; so much so that there are actually thieves who specialize in taking on the identity of someone else. There are entire careers built off the ability to be someone else. It’s quite peculiar, yet amazing. Identity is like an expensive pearl. When displayed, it draws admiration, but it’s also highly coveted. If we’re not careful with such pearls, they may easily be snatched from our hands.

PURPOSE is a Pearl. Purpose is the inspiration behind your birth. See, you are more than your mom & dad’s baby. You were endorsed by Heaven which is why you are here. God had an idea attached to you before He formed you. That idea is your purpose. God decided that only you could do what He placed you here to do. Only you are connected to your territory, your family, and your identity.

Knowing that, I encourage you to Protect Your Pearls. Your identity and your purpose are keys to the very life to live. Knowing who you are leads to discovery of why you are, and thats the foundation of your individual life.

Listen here as I talk about Purpose and how commitment, consistency and continuous learning help us Protect Our Pearls. 

The truth of the matter is this: NO ONE ELSE CAN BE YOU FOR YOU, so it is up to you to be the best you possible. Start now by protecting your identity and committing to your purpose.


I am Eryka.

Dragon Days…

Man I love music. Listen to Dragon Days by Alicia Keys when you can. 

I’ve never truly been me on the outside. Everywhere I go, something or someone puts a ceiling or a cap or walls around me. I feel so incredibly trapped. It’s hard to fully explain. 

I’m not a part of anything here – not tied to anything here. I don’t belong to anything here. I don’t connect to anything here. Nothing here is exactly like me or like me enough to consistently be with me. Or mine. It’s a strange feeling. 

Yesterday my neighbor’s 3 year old had a huge break down, tears and all because she wouldn’t let him stay outside and play with me. She was taking him to work with her and I offered to keep him but she refused, and I mean he cried. Threw an entire tantrum outside. Cried inside for like 30 minutes. And my heart broke.  I’m not Jesus but I understand that scripture that says ‘Suffer little children unto me and forbid them not.” That baby’s spirit needed some peace about something. I don’t what, but I could feel the stress and tenseness of an adult in his little bitty body. Also, I saw the yearning he had to be in my presence and it’s exactly what I crave. I crave that feeling of significance that comes with someone’s or something’s desire for me. It’s special. 

In some weird way, that little boy believed I was where he needed to be in order to get what he needed, but he was forbidden to come receive it. All I do is sing and talk with the children. We race outside and they ride their bicycles. I lend my time to them because I understand that single moms need help. I just want to help. Love helps. 

Why am I so in tune? So Weird? Thoughtful? Like I’m a whole hippie in 2017 – where are the rest of them? I’m old minded, but young hearted. Like an old child. I feel strange. I feel.. restless.

I want what every other human wants – to be seen and thought of and cared for in an advance type of way. I want to fall back into safety and security and intimacy. I want to be able to rest and kind sink in Love like when you sink into a beanbag chair. I feel like an autistic child with no blanket. Everybody sees what I’m able to do like talk, walk, cook, etc. but some times I feel like an Enfant whose been left in the middle of the floor. I can’t stand because there’s nothing to hold onto. I keep rolling over but the nothingness seems endless. 

Whatever. It’s better to leave the words here than let them overoccupy my mind. 

I am Eryka.